Journal — 11.02.2023

I'm writing a book about Tetra Pak printmaking

Tetra Pak printmaking is fun, sustainable and low cost, and I can’t wait to share more about this versatile printing technique in my upcoming book!

This article is about printmaking, tetra pak, etching, intaglio, book

A few years ago, when I came across the Tetra Pak intaglio technique, I fell in love with it immediately. I began experimenting and have since taught many workshops about this technique — I'm always thrilled to explore the potential of this material, and keep finding new ways to use it.

I'm writing a book about experimental printmaking with Tetra Pak, in which I’ll share my learnings from the past few years with other printmakers and ink enthusiasts. I want to help you discover the unique prints that can be created with this material.

I love Tetra Pak printing because it makes printmaking accessible to those without access to a traditional workshop. You can create art in your own studio or even in the kitchen, using affordable, non-toxic materials and tools you may already have. Plus, you can upcycle old milk or juice cartons that would have otherwise been thrown away and turn them into art.

My book will provide detailed instructions and illustrations on how to make your own Tetra Pak intaglio prints, as well as other experimental forms of printmaking, such as relief or letterpress. Additionally, I will include a gallery of artists and designers who use this material for their creative projects.

Tetra Pak printmaking is fun, sustainable and low cost, and I can’t wait to share more about this versatile printing technique in my book, which will be published (in German) in 2024.

If you are interested in this technique and want to know more, leave your email below to stay informed about the book and my work.

And if you've tried this technique and have questions, encountered any challenges, or would like to see something specific about Tetra Pak printmaking in the book, please reach out at

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